This community is locked! You must
JOIN to view all posts!
• Contribute. Make your own posts or simply comment on posts. This not only keeps the community active, but keeps people motivated to post.
• Check-in. Once a month we post the bombshell check-in to see if members are still around and just to post some updates on the community at whatnot.
• Posting. Save and upload your photos to
imagebam or
imgbox. Post the thumbnail code under an lj-cut and provide a 300x200 preview image. You can use an online
photoshop editor to make this.
• Credit. We search the internet high and low for the best high quality images, unless otherwise stated please credit if you're reposting. This really helps spread the word about our amazing community.
• Graphic Posting. Please provide teasers and put the rest under a lj-cut or link back to a unlocked (temporary is fine) post.
• NSFW. Post a warning for any posts containing adult concepts (full nudity, ect) before the lj-cut.
• No Advertising. This isn't the place to do that.
• Any bashing/bullying of the models, members or staff will not be tolerated. Everyone must play nice. If not you will be banned immediately.
• If you're already a member of livejournal simply click the join button our profile.
• If not you're not a member you can create an account (it's free) or sign in with your twitter, facebook or any other open-id username livejournal allows.
• Connect livejournal to your account of choice like you would any other app.
• Enter your email to receive notification. We highly recommend this because you'll be able to see when we reply to you or track certain tags, like your favorite models.
• Once you've activated your account come back to the community and hit click the join button on our profile.