Nov 12, 2004 01:24
Megans Person of the Week!!!
tinybee 04: Hi, my name is Alice and I'd like to apply for "Megan's person of the week" I've completed highschool (w/ honors) and some college. My occupation is Bump on a log. I am very good at my job, I've exceeded beyond expectations at it. I wear pj pants to class all the time b/c they are extremely comfy, I get comments on that, but I don't care b/c thats me. I am 19 years old currently living in the Farmville area.
wow...that was awesome. applications. however, there is a dilemma this week. i have another person who is worthy of being person of the week. *Drum roll*
that is emily!! this is her away message:
Auto response from emerie0215: Typical conversation between my roomate and i...
"Who is ur person of the week?" -Me
"umm..i think that was one time thing..." -Roomate
"I wanna be it...ummm....i said burke for president...burke cake can be vice president..." -ME
No response...Roomate
"That's special.." -Roomate...
Yea i think she thinks that i am on crack....doing something else...
so there it is.
co-persons of the week.
tune in next week for megans person of the week.
oh yeah.