Nov 15, 2007 15:28
I just want this test to be done with. I'm tired of wracking my brain. Things won't be so bad after this test. I can't wait til Thanksgiving. Not like I really get any time off. That's besides the point. At least I can get away for an evening. With Gabriel.
About my last entry- Gabe realized he's an idiot because I literally had told him how to not make me mad, and he didn't listen. I told him I don't wanna cramp his style, and if I call him at night it's just to hear his voice for a few minutes. I don't expect a long conversation. So everything is ok and hopefully that won't happen again. Now I'm just sad because I miss him, and I won't see him this weekend. I'm sooo spoiled. I will live though. I think.
But yeah I can't stand these classes. Is it too much to ask to just skip classes and just do research full-time right away? I've been taking classes my whole life. I'm ready for my laboratory training. I can't put my all into it when I constantly have to worry about memorizing pathways that I will never need to know. And if I do I can study them then, when I need them.
According to BMI, I'd have to weigh 84 pounds to be considered anorexic. Gross.