So I go to run Orion a bath (and yes, I cleaned the tub with bleach after washing the dogs) and there's a
giant house spider just hanging out in the tub.
I never kill spiders if I can possibly avoid it. I'll kill
hobo spiders, because they have a necrotizing bite. (One sent my aunt to the hospital while she was up visiting us. Oh joy.) Everything else I either leave alone (like the little
jumping spiders that look like 8-legged bulldogs) or toss outside.
So I scoop Giant House Spider up into my palm, and head for the bathroom window to toss his or her spider butt out.
Well. She leapt off of my hand and onto the floor. My cat Johnny appeared out of nowwhere and GOBBLED HER UP!
Dood. At least I TRIED to do the right thing!
OH speaking of giant house spiders, my pal Gornaga is still hanging out in the garage and helping me sort stuff. He's HUGE--over two inches wide. And because he's a hunting spider and uses sight to find prey, he watches me the whole time I'm in the garage, probably wishing I was a giant bug. But it's kind of cute. My own personal audience.