Peace and the science behind it

Feb 17, 2004 22:49

All right, so everyone has heard hippies, stoners, politicians, teachers, businessman, everyone in general promote peace. But what is peace?

It is serenity. It is understanding. It is knowing what lies beyond and working to attain it. For those of you who wonder, my belief in God or any kind of higher power is a waivering one but still, I have not settled into any belief simply because the idea of constricting yourself to one set of rules that have been determined by somebody else is stupid. Wake up people: It's not what faith you are its that you have faith! Listen, you have a brain, free will, and millions of resources at your disposal. Use them to form your own faith.

Peace is love. Peace is trust. Peace is being able to respect other people you've never seen before but seeing that they are like you. These principles are so basic, so why can't we follow that? Myself included, it is because peace is a simple fallacy. The coutnerbalances to peace that are in us all are greed and lust. As long as these are here, there is no other peice to the puzzle, for it doesn't fit. Peace is a utopia that will never come into existince... not in our time, at least. Does it mean we should give up? Far from it. Encourage peace but know that what you're working for is something for future generations, to benefeit mankind, not yourself.

Friendship is a big part of it all. Surrounding yourself in a positive aura of people who challenge you in everyday life. Whether it to be a better person, to think or act a diffrent way, or to simply be grateful for what you have, your friends are a big part of you. Now ask yourself this: What does this say about the people who don't have friends? Well, you see them. They are not challenged in their behavior or thought patterns so that whatever they adopt as right and justified is what becomes reality for them. Some people make it out all right this way but others shoot up their schools and attach bombs to busses. The hatred stops here - no one should be left to say "I have no friends." Peace begins with the ones who don't know what it is for not having been challenged enough to figure it out. Befriend the friendless, feed the hungry, clothe the naked.

"Never believe that a small group of people can change the world for the better - because it is the only thing that has."
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