The McNurds Pt. 7: Generations begin

Jun 13, 2011 10:05

The last time I played, the game was glitchy as hell and I couldn't play longer than just a few minutes. And recently the newest expansion, Generations, came out, so I'm pleased to announce, I'm back! :P

When I started up my game, Nurdle McNurd was in the kitchen, super hungry and super tired. And would you believe it? Almost the entire household was hungry too! Nurdle whipped up some food and they had a lovely meal together, well without Cumin. *laughs*

Tandoori decided to put a trap on the computer for her mom Geekler. You know, like those "scary video" things that were so cool back in the 90s? *laughs* Well her dad Cumin caught her and scolded her, but shortly after Tandoori begged for forgiveness. He fell for it.

With the new expansion you can have sims woohoo in the shower now. If you ask me, I'm pretty happy about it, but sadly this is what it looks like. A big giant pixelated box o' love. ><
Rian gave Nurdle romantic red flowers on their 'first date' together. The downside of the new expansion is that it introduced a new memories feature so everything my sims do are put into the memories, despite it not being new. (like Nurdle made a great meal... he always makes great meals ><)

Geekler's had a more extreme mid-life crisis makeover. Well that and I've been wanting to have someone dress as ridiculously as possible for awhile. Either way, she decided to argue with her dad a little bit for the fun of it. :P

Geekler working on another man. One who looks a bit too old for her...
And the soup can gnome still wandering the household.

I love that Generations added body hair for the men! Yay!
Tandoori decided to skip school one day and have her dad teach her how to drive. Well it didn't even dawn on Cumin, but as soon as she walked past her grandpa Nurdle, he got up and scolded her. *laughs*

And to end it, here's a few snappies of some glitches or bugs. The first two of the crossed eyes are from the last time I played in December. Both Rian and Nurdle would go cross eyed when they'd go into the hot tub.
Rian and Nurdle *really* love eachother. Rian showering with his pjs on and tandoori falling through Cumin.

basmati, cumin, tandoori, the sims 3, the mcnurds, nurdle, rian, generations, mcnurd, geekler

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