I have a problem (okay a few) and that problem is The Sims. It first started when Holland was telling me of all the silly things he was doing with his copy of The Sims for the Playstation. I eventually got my hands on a copy for the Gamecube and the rest is history.
It's been a trend with me to create a Rivers Cuomo-ish sim in each game I play for real. Because you know there's characters I create just to torture or amuse myself with. Bawahaha!!! Anyhow, his name was usually Freak Hagenfag but in the case of The Sims 3 I've changed his name to Nurdle McNurd. So I'm going to share with you Nurdle's story so far. :P
When I first got my hands on this new game, The Sims 3, I was in awe with all the customization you could do with items. So I went overboard and made each room it's own design. *laughs* I still do that because it's hella fun but not so much for the eyes haha.
Here's Nurdle playing on his computer in his cowboy pjs with a rotting tub of ice cream in front of him. haha He's one hell of a classy guy eh? Bow chicka ow ow!! Bachelorness at it's best ja ja?
Nurdle eventually was no longer able to keep his house clean by himself so he hired a maid. This man, Rian, appeared everyday to clean up the house and to brush his teeth?
Well Nurdle was having trouble with meeting lady friends due to his loner and clumsy traits. So he struck up conversations with Rian and it eventually bloomed into a relationship. (the second image was taken later, but you get the point, nurds in love haha)
Which then of course led into marriage.
Rian and Nurdle really had the most classy of weddings don't you think? In Nurdle's plaid bedroom in front of a easel. *laughs*
Nurdle's always tinkering around with things, upgrading and so forth, so it was no surprise when the TV bursted into flames. Thankfully Rian has the brave trait and took out the flames while Nurdle panicked. haha (Rian always happens to be in his um, flashy pjs in these snaps)
They eventually adopted a little girl and named her Geekler. Yeah, I tried to make her look as geeky as possible, I mean smiley cupcake shirt and pigtails? Besides, I really don't care much for children, but it's the way of life in the sims ja? Geekler's awesome in her own right.. *grumble* She never puts away her dishes, slob.
Other accidents around the house.
(I always forget to turn off the cut-away walls in my screenshots, so you see all the rooms instead of one :| )
At one point in the game my sims had forgotten to pay some bills (no big deal) and the repo man showed up and took their couch. *laughs* Oh noes! Anythings buts thats!!!11onez
Nurdle and Rian were celebrating Geekler's aging up into a teenager when her cake bursted into flames. *laughs* And once again, Rian in his pjs saves the day! hahaha
Geekler hanging out with a classmate from school, who I don't remember the name of, playing video games. Then later found playing around with the bathroom mirror while everyone was asleep.
I spend most of my time improving their skills to the maxourz.
Rian has rocked out the guitar with all 10 skill points, heck yes. (again in his pjs..)
And Nurdle is currently trying out his athletic skills but failing miserably due to being so clumsy. By falling on the treadmill over and over haha.
Well there you have a basic overview on my sims family. It's relaxing in some odd way, but can only be played in small spurts. This time next week I'll probably be interested in something else again. But for now I'll embrace the greatness that is known as the sims. :P