20 things

Sep 19, 2008 22:00

Thanks to Ashley and Eric. :)

1) List 20 things you want to say to people, but never will.
2) Don't say who they are
3) Don't put them in an obvious order.
4) Never discuss it again

1.) Your an asshole. I love you and I always will but own up to your life. Take responsibility for yourself. It's scary to grow up but just because you're growing up doesn't mean you have to grow old. I want to look at you one day and actually be able to look up to you.

2.) I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for being my safe place.

3.) I know my calculus you + me = us.

4.) Your an amazing mother and friend. I've never judged you but always tried to watch over you. I hope you never thought that I was overbearing or critical. I just want you to succeed at everything in life because I know you're capable of amazing things. Je t'aime.

5.) You broke my heart and you don't even realize it. You can't just abandon people and then pop back into their lives when it's convenient for you. It's inconsiderate and it's hurtful. I'm finally over it and I'm happy. I wish you the greatest success and happiness in the world but don't come crawling back to me. I'm DONE with your bullshit. Grow up.

6.) Your gay just admit it already!!!!!!

7.) See # 6. Although I know you will never admit it because you'll never be able to deal with it. I wish the old world didn't hold so much influence on you. You're a wonderful person.

8.) Sorry, I haven't been around. I do miss you and I do want to see you. I'll call you I promise.

9.) You're the most brilliant woman I know. I wish that you could face the things that hold you back and realize that you are in control. You don't need to have all the answers you just have to believe that you can overcome your obstacles. I have so much faith in you. Please, open your eyes to your own beauty. And if I legally could I really would marry you. You may well be the love of my life.

10.) Please, don't break my heart or if you do be nice about it. I could really use someone I can rely on and someone who can prove to me that every guy in my life won't walk away from fear. I'm only tough on the outside. Just have a little faith in me.

11.) You are powerful. You and I could rule the world. Lets make this a better place because together you and I can accomplish anything and everything. You complete me. Without you there is no me. You give me the confidence I need to just be myself without shame.

12.) I wish you lived closer. I could so use the help, knowledge and guidance that you always have for me. And now that you're married I have two people who are there with plenty of life experience to help me along. Your husband is wonderful and I'm so happy for the both of you. I promise I will come visit as soon as I can.

13.) You piss me the fuck off! You don't even realize how fucked up you are. You're insane! You don't treat your children equally and it's pathetic and sad and makes you a terrible person. Blood does not make a family. Love does. I wish you could understand that.

14.) Don't let anyone stop you. You're a good person with a great soul. May you be happy forever.

15.) I hope you get pregnant! Although I'm a huge stickler for adoption I want you to be happy. I'm so gald that you entered my life. I hope we keep in touch. You're a wonderful woman.

16.) This will sound insane and over the top which is why I could never say it to your face. Thank you for changing my life. You gave me the words for what I'd always felt. You showed me my path and if you didn't do what you do I don't think I would have found myself so quickly, easily, and with the amount of self-confidence that it's give me. Thank you for being yourself.

17.) Chill out. I love you but you drive me nuts. Calm down and stop worrying so much. And for me to say that is a big deal. You're too uptight and anxious for your own good. Just let things go and be and life will happen as it's supposed to. Nothing is written in stone and you can't engrave it yourself.

18.) I miss you. I think of you often and wish we were still in touch. I hope that everything works out for you. Underneath all your insanity and oversexuality you are a really loving and beautiful person. Don't let your wacko mother dictate you just be wonderful.

19.) You are FABULO!!!!!!!!!!

20.) I'm glad that we both know that all the crap we say to each other is just a cover up for the fact that we don't know what we'd do without each other.
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