shut the fuck up.

Feb 14, 2008 12:04

ever sit back and wonder what life would be like if that fucking franz ferdinand douchebag would've kept his mouth shut? no world war one, probably a world war two, but not as amplified and referred to as world war one, but i have to wonder.. who would've developed nukes first?

probably the germans. i mean.. we did steal their scientists to get one ourselves. and could you imagine what the world would be like if they got 'em first? what if they used 'em? we used them, twice, but they refused to surrender. ends justifies the means and so on, but hitler.. now he probably would've nuked the shit out of everyone he didn't like.

i don't know why i think about these kinds of things. for some strange reason, it actually seems to come up in conversation every once in a while. especially with the election going on.

speaking of the election, i'll be perfectly honest, i'm voting for mccain. half because i like the guy (i've liked him since the last time he ran) and half because he says that his first official action in the white house, should he win, is to secure the borders and do something about illegal immigration. thank fucking god. i'm so sick of people trying to play the sympathy card cause their country sucks. how is that my problem? why the hell should i have to pay more taxes because you fuckers want to leach off us? if you give illegal immigrants amnesty, why even bother having laws at all? "it's not okay for you, but since they had a shitty life, they can break any law they want and we can't touch them because this is the land of opportunity." fuck your land of opportunity speech and fuck your amnesty. when actual americans can't find a job because the fucking chinese and mexicans work for less (being as they were too fucking poor or lazy to get in legally) and take every last shit job available, the whole "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" bit gets thrown right out the window. it's turned into "unemployment, taxes, and hope you can survive this month." and i'm fucking tired of it. i'm ready for a president who isn't a little bitch about it.

i'm also really sick of living paycheck to paycheck because ford won't give it up. develop technology so that you can hide it? nice one, guys. thanks for setting us even further back from japan. no really, i love paying an arm and a leg for gas when i could be using a fuel cell and not spending that much at all. it really makes my day.

i guess it's a good thing no one reads this anymore. i actually have a place to talk about something other than men and music. by the way, when did everyone get so damn shallow all of the sudden? it's like no one cares what's going on in the world at all. we're going to have to run the country pretty soon, and there's going to be nothing but fucking morons to choose from, and then we'll be fucked. i'm absolutely terrified to see this country under my generation's guidance and authority. ray's excited. either way, should be interesting, to say the least.

i guess i just wish i had more friends (not saying i don't have a couple) that aren't completely stupid. i just don't understand how you don't care. i bet they'll care when we get nuked due to shitty judgment though.

"clever feet that flicker like fire
and burn like candles in smoky spires
do more to turn my joy to sadness
than somber thoughts of burning planets."
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