Apr 02, 2005 22:46
I'm really happy right now, although I am quite saddened by the Pope's death (but I am glad he isn't suffering anymore). I guess I haven't updated in awhile, and there have been some new developments in my life. First of all, I have a new boyfriend. :) His name is John, and he went to my high school. I just got off of the phone with him, and he's getting drunk right now. I called him and he said, "Oh I was just talking about you. I was telling Jeff how wonderful you are." How nice! He is just the kindest person. I completely trust him, which is such a relief. I know that he will never cheat on me so I have no problem with him going out and drinking (as long as he's careful). I hope I get to see him next weekend because I'm thinking I'm going to go home Thursday night and come back to Youngstown on Saturday.
So I guess I never even wrote a journal entry on how John and I got together. It happened during spring break. I went over to his house with my friends Ashley, Joel, Jennifer, and JD (Friday, March 18 -> this date is really more of a reminder for me than you). Ashley and Joel, well mostly Joel, had been trying to hook me up with their friend Nick. But when I got there I realized that I wasn't attracted to Nick. The whole group began playing beer drinking games. I was on a team with John and another guy, Adam. This was like the 5th beer pong game we played that night. All I know is that John made a shot, and I got really excited. Next thing you know I went up to him and started kissing him (I was pretty drunk at this point). Well let's just say that the night ended very well. I ended up sleeping next to John, and I was completely comfortable lying next to him (then again I basically just passed out right next to him and didn't really move the whole night).
I decided to call John because I could not stop thinking about him after our night together. We began talking every day, and he visited me here at YSU the next weekend. We had a wonderful time together. We went to see a movie, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and went out to eat at The Park Diner (mmm, chocolate peanut butter milkshakes). The rest of the time he was here we just stayed in my dorm room and watched tv (some very good basketball games were on that weekend) and talked. We have a similar sense of humor, and he just made me laugh so much. So I guess we've been dating since then (March 26). Yeah, I know I haven't been dating him for a long time, and I've somehow managed to get myself into another long distance relationship (he lives in Toledo). But I really like the way this is working out. I do talk to him every day, and that seems to be enough for me. I'm beginning to trust myself again. I'm gaining confidence. I'm happy.
Well I could talk about my day today, since I had to go on a field trip with my cultural resource management class. It was probably one of the worst and best field trips of my life. I thought I was going to die, but yet I had a good time with the people that were on the trip. We went to Columbus to tour the Historical Society museum. Originally we were supposed to go see the mounds in southern Ohio, but the weather was just so horrible that we just went to Columbus instead. My teacher is an insane driver, and I thought we were all going to die. There were so many cars on the side of the road, and traffic was backed up in places for miles. On the way home we went out to eat, and the power went out just before we got our food. It never came back on so I had to eat my food in the dark (it's weird not being able to see what you're eating). I had to go pee after I ate, and the only light in the restroom was from a flashlight that a worker was holding. For a period of time I was the only person in a stall, and the worker shined the light right over my stall, and it felt like there was a spotlight on me as I was peeing. I almost felt angelic. Well this is probably just disturbing you now so I will stop talking about my bathroom habits. I'm just glad that I got back to YSU at 7 instead of midnight. Oh yeah, set your clocks ahead one hour. Well I think I'm going to go set all of my clocks and then go to sleep. Good night! :)