Jun 15, 2008 16:34
The term is winding down, and I'll be back in Seattle in less than a week.
Oh man alive! And it's been a crazy term.
We went to Lagoon on Friday. Pretty much Morgan's family and my family (sisters and cousin, sorry you couldn't come, Becca) + Pieper. It was a solid fun time. We goofed around a lot waiting in lines, and rode some fun rides. Fun.
Last night was the ward trip to the Manti Pageant at the Manti Temple. Tricia's family was gracious enough to let us borrow the Mothership yet again to help with carpool. We piled in 15 kids and caravaned down (up?) to Manti. We walked around the tents set up that were selling sno cones, pizza, crazy fries, and scones. The pageant itself was pretty hokey. But it was a bunch of fun. And of course, the drive to and from were what made it the most fun. Me and Steve and Steve had to keep Tricia entertained and made sure she didn't fall asleep on the way home. It was funny. We asked Steven and Steve the tail question (If you could have anything for a tail, what would it be?) and one of the Steve's said, without skipping a beat, that he would have an endless french fry for a tail. Now how about that. We then combined his idea with the other Steve's idea (a Tigger tail) and decided a curly fry would be the best for a tail.
So. I've got 3 papers and one final tomorrow. It's my last day of school and work. We're not leaving until Friday, and we're driving back to Washington. So we'll be there just in time for the Race for the Cure the next day! I'm hoping my daily jogs in Utah altitude will make me conditioned for running at sea level.
Oh, it was a good term. I'm so happy I stayed here for Spring. I'll miss the Colony. It was so good to live here. But, it is time for a change. I'm already super anxious for the fall. I'll be diving into the film program while trying to work 18-20 hours during the week. And we'll be in a killer house on University Ave. But first, this summer. It should be a productive one, and also fairly relaxing. I'm excited to be with my family again.