Mar 19, 2008 15:55
I'm done. I got my application in for the film program.
It's a huge load off my shoulders. I won't be thinking about it every second of my spare time. Now let's see if I get in... I've got a faculty interview on April 4th. I find out if I make it after finals.
Dancesport was this weekend. Morgan and I competed for the Cha Cha. It was so fun. We didn't win anything. Rachel and her dance partner went pretty far in the rounds. We ended up staying there almost all day, watching all the other competitions. Morgan's brother Garrett rocked it with a bunch of different dances. He's good. He helped us with our Cha Cha. Rockin. I fell asleep that night to dancing.
So remember that story idea I had to pitch? The one I totally forgot about, and had to make one up on the spot? WELL... mine was chosen as one of the stories to use for our final projects. Hah! I had to present to my lab section first, to about 25 students. Then yesterday, all the lab sections met one big lecture class, so I had to present it again to that whole group. And mine was one to get chosen.
woooohh. Well, what now?
I suppose I should do this. Word!
7 Quirks about myself
1. I haven't painted my nails since my Junior year of high school. Just ain't my thing, yo!
2. I hate Youtube browsing. It's fun to check out one funny vid on that site, but when it gets to a "Oh, now search for ''Charlie bit my finger!'" (okay, THAT youtube video is funny... you guys should check it out) BUT I just can't stand browsing Youtube. I can't think of any other way that makes me feel so much like I am wasting my life away.
3. I have a Beta fish that is 3 years old. That is a feat.
4. I really like french music. It's soothing. And it makes me want to travel.
5. I have a scar on my left temple. It's a good daily reminder how fragile my head is. And my life.
6. My computer is orange.
7. I have skate/longboarded since 7th grade.
dance sport,