Feb 22, 2009 13:39
25 Things About Us- Kaitlin and Tony
♥ What are your middle names?
Marie and Scott
♥ How long have you been together?
Depends on how you want to define "together." It's somewhere between 1 3/4 years and 2 years.
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Doing some quick math...something like 8 months?
♥ Who asked who out?
Oh jeez. Well, if you must know, in ALL occasions of us being together (the short-lived flirtations when we first met, the "hooking-up" phase, and the actual defined relationship), it was ALWAYS me who initiated things. I kissed him, I jumped him, I told him I wanted a relationship. Go me.
♥ How old are each of you?
I am 22 and he is 21. I'm about 10 months older.
♥ Whose siblings do/did you see the most?
SJ, NO QUESTION! Tony comes over here a lot, so Sam is around and sometimes we hang out with her. Whenever I go to his house (which isn't often), we don't really run into his brothers.
♥ Do you have any children together?
NO. NO HAIRY BABIES EVER! Kidding, sort. We're too young for that baby stuff.
♥ What about pets? Names?
Since we don't live together, we don't have any pets together. But since Tony has never had a pet and spends so much time at my house, I hope he thinks of Weetzie and Bettina as a little bit his (especially since Bettina, since we got ehr while we were together and she LOVES HIM!)
♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Not seeing each other. We go to different schools and, being actors, we have busy and competing schedules. It's hard enought o only see each other from Friday evening to Sunday night, but when that time gets cut donw because of shows or work, there's a dfeinite strain on the relationship.
♥ Did you go to the same school?
We've never gone to the same school.
♥ Are you from the same home town?
No. I'm from Addison and he's from Streamwood.
♥ Who is the smartest?
I guess me? I'm not saying that Tony ISN'T smart, but I'm the one who helps the other with homework more often.
♥ Who is the most sensitive?
We're both sensitive, but in different ways. Tony is sensitive in that he is sweet and loving and gets very upset if I'm hurt. I'm sensitive in that I have mood swings and sometimes take things the wrong way.
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Applebee's, The Squire, and IHOP. But really, we are known most for hitting up various McDonald's drive-thrus.
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
We have traveled to So-Ill twice. First for his brother's graduation from SIU and then for my cousin's wedding. We would REALLY like to go to St. Louis to visit my cousin and his wife in their new home.
♥ Who has the craziest exes?
I never hear from my exes, but Tony's got one that has been known to cause him some trouble, so I guess he wins this round.
♥ Who has the worst temper?
Probably me? I don't "mad," but I get upset, irritated, or frustrated much more easily than he does.
♥ Who does the cooking?
There really isn't a whole lot of "cooking" that goes on. When we do "cook," it's usually Tony. I'm just totally hopeless in that department. He actually said to me once, "Kait, you know that when you get married someday, you're gonna have to learn how to cook, right?"
♥ Who is more social?
TONY. I am shy and don't really like large groups, but he LOVES them. He just really enjoys talking to people and having a good time. Sometimes I wish he would spend a little more time with me at parties, but I do love how sociable he is. It's fun to watch him have a good time.
♥ Who is the neat-freak?
I wouldn'y say that either of us is a "neat-freak," but I would say that I am BY FAR the sloppiest.
♥ Who is the more stubborn?
ME, to a fault. I refuse to be wrong and insist on putting my two cents in on EVERYTHING
♥ Who hogs the bed?
TONY. I think that, in his sleep, he forgets that he is sharing a bed, so he winds up on his back on the middle of the bed, with his legs splayed out in various formations. I will admit to being a blanket hog.
♥ Who wakes up earlier?
Me. Tony could sleep until 3:00 in the afternoon if I let him.