Jul 09, 2004 10:16
i am freezing! well lets see, oh yea, i worked with that horrible danielle, i dont even want to discuss her she's that bad, even laura knapp is rude to her and that's saying something. someone from work called me this morning at like 9 to take more hours but i have stuff to do today and i do have a lot of hours for next week so i said no. everytime i think about getting ready for school i just cant stop making lists of all the shit i have to buy. it's really stressing me out.
two nights ago i rented a couple movies cuz i had just worked and was bored, and so meek came over and we watched blow because johnny depp always makes things better. i cant believe he's 45 ahhhhhhh.
yesterday i watched one flew over the cuckoo's nest, delivered a get well card to my aunt and didnt even recognize my cousin who just came back from guatamala and looks like an emaciated citizen of a third world country. then i worked at tasi for someone for like 2 and a half hours with laura for the first time(!!!) and the devil girl(boo). after that i babysitted for my voice teacher and her crazy daughter who i love and it took them foreverrrrrr to come back, so i just went to tikk's and chilled with jb dom and beej and did see my lovely katie neumann!
right now i have to take meg to her ortho appt and then me and bones are goin to see anchorman!!!!!! then tonight i have to go to a surprise party and then do other stuff and then go to see pulp fiction with beej at midnight, should be fun!!!
ps my computer and all my new clothes are coming in sometime next week!!! wow i am so materialistic that this makes me soooooooo excited!! yesss for capitalism!