Jul 02, 2004 22:32
so things have been partially really good, partially shitty lately. for those of you who didn't know, i got in a car accident on father's day and we just found out today that it is officially totalled, which basically ruins my entire life, but i've been getting used to walking everywhere, but if anyone ever wants to voluteer to drive me somewhere i'd love them forever for it.
yesterday i got back from orientation at state, where i will be staying in holden west, and i got my classes which are:
greek and roman mythology MWF
geology MW
geology lab T
iss- power, authority, and exchange MTWF
statistical methods MTW
principles of advertising MW
world art: the creative process MW
intro to psychology TR
second year spanish MTRF
so this means... for fall i have no classes on thursday and in spring none on friday!!!! woooohoooo...
when i got this letter the day of scheduling it told me i could take honors classes for ISS, science, english, and then put me in calculus because of my ACT score in math but then the advisor told me to try and place out of math but my score on that test would have put me in like, remedial math, so we just put me in statistics, because i took AP stats last year and it's good for my major, and i only have to take one math class ever at state. so she asked me if i was in honors college, and no one ever sent me a letter saying i was so i assume no. but i hope i passed the AP english and AP bio tests because she didn't tell me to schedule any and assumed i passed it because she said the ap bio exam was easy which i do not agree with, but anyway she said if they didnt end up counting as waived, then i could just take out another class.
but according to my major i also have to take micro and macro economics and accounting which makes me want to die. i dont even want this major but there is no way to even have a minor or take any music classes or production classes of any kind so i have no idea how i will ever be qualified for anything i want to do but fuck it i like my classes for this year so whatever.
the cool thing was i wanted to take japanese or spanish because i will want to study abroad in one of those two places or both but she told me to take spanish because i already had passed out of a year of it, but then the scheduling wasnt working so she was like "guess what, you're destined to take japanese" but then... it didnt fit in either so i had to just work around the damn spanish.
so now i am semi over my bad mood about the car, but i didnt do anything tonight because i didnt want to piss off the parents so i walked to blockbuster, was accused of playing a martyr because i'm walking, which was ridiculous because i dont mind walking, and i got donnie darko which i was gonna watch with bj but i'm bored as hell so i'll be watching that and 21 grams by myself tonight... yess...
oh yeah and my dad is making me pay him 80 bucks because the cell phone bill went over the minutes for this month, and it was my fault, but i thought we just paid for how many minutes we used, i never knew we prepaid and that we had the very minimum minutes, what a fucking dumbass. sorry i talk on the phone because i cant go out half the time.... ridiculous, even though i hated orientation i am putting all my hopes on two months from now when i leave my fucking parents and this damn town, i need a break. too bad bj is stressing out about the fall, whatev, things will work themselves out.