
Apr 03, 2006 01:47

I really wish my bad luck would stop. My truck won't start again. I've only had it for a year now, and it keeps seeming to have problems. I guess that's the risk you take when you buy a used car. I kind of wish I wouldn't have sold my S-10 now. As far as I know that truck is still running perfectly fine. It may not look as pretty as my Ranger, but ( Read more... )

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little_disaster April 3 2006, 12:37:51 UTC
I'll help you out as much as I can, like picking you up on Tuesday and etc. I can probably do that a few times since my parents didn't mind the last time I did it. Please let me help you this time, like if you need money or something like that. Please? That's what engaged people do, y'know.

"I've always wanted to say this.... Fo Shizzle." XD

I knew you weren't alright as soon as I got out of bed that last time, 'cause I don't think you've really hugged me like that before. It made me so sad too, how sad you were and how tightly you hugged me, and knowing I couldn't do anything to fix it. I just wanted to take you back to bed and stay there.

To be honest, I had to get up and get going right then because I was on the verge of doing something really stupid - saying screw you to the parents and just staying that night, then dealing with the consequences the next morning. That would've been no good, but I was so close to doing that. I'd do anything to make you feel better, baby.

I was also thinking, once you open your savings account, why don't I just give you my money to put into it too, since I'm not opening one myself. You don't have to make it a joint one, I'll just keep track of everything I put in.

I love you so much baby. Everything will be alright, I promise.


weezemegood April 3 2006, 18:22:26 UTC
"So long fried rice, hello fried chicken."

Awww baby. I was actually going to suggest something like. If you were going to open a savings account I would give you whatever I could every week. But if you want to do it the way you said, I'm fine with that if you are. I don't think I will be starting another joint account, because we both know what happened the last time I had one of those, lol.

If we do it either way, we'll both be less eager to try and spend the money. So I'll start the account as soon as your ready.

I love you too baby.


little_disaster April 4 2006, 01:39:48 UTC
So you think that same situation could happen again with me? Ouch. If that's what you're afraid of, we might as well just open separate accounts.


weezemegood April 4 2006, 03:25:53 UTC
Well I would hope that same situation wouldn't happen with you. I didn't mean anything bad by what I said. Just maybe we should wait until we're married to open a joint account.

Do you still want to try and save up the way you said earlier. I'll just start a new savings account, and we'll both put money in it. I won't spend a penny of it, because I want us to get our own place really soon and really bad. You can trust me.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. :(

I love you.


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