Feb 06, 2006 11:47
I'm going to go do my laundry at my mom's, and then go do my taxes.
I'd like to think today would've been good, but I can already see that's not going to happen. I'm going to have to go another day without seeing Kristina. That's all I ever look foward to now. And when it doesn't happen I either get down or pout and whine like a little kid. "But mommy, I waaaaaant it!!!"
I was only counting on 2 days, but today is going to be 4 days. Ugh! I can't take it. All I want to do is see her. Just being able to hold her would make everything go away. There's nothing better than to just hold her and see her smile. *sigh* I get all day dreamy when I think about it.
Tomorrow...yes tomorrow. It will be all better.