Jun 18, 2009 23:02
- 00:37 Ohhh, this fic has been updating behind my back! I'm so far behind now, and I need to be asleep >< #
- 01:29 Guys, Texas is fucking gay. Nonono, THE ENTIRE SOUTH is gay. The closest states that offer illustration are Colorado and Florida x_x #
- 09:47 Man, I love Johnny Cash. Wish I could listen to him without thinking of the ex. #
- 10:11 media.photobucket.com/image/chris%20pine/greenteaduck/nom.gif?o=35 anyone who finds me what movie this is from wins my eternal love. #
- 21:58 Saw Star Trek again today and got my TF2 tickets! Also, picked up the Gambit Origins one-shot. #
- 21:59 And the guys working my LCS commended me on the number of times I've seen STXI :/ I dunno if that's a good thing or not. #
- 22:49 Burger King fucking blows. #
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