- Introduction -

Nov 05, 2020 15:46

You know what I like? I like Doctor Who. I'm firmly of the opinion that the new series in a master class in reviving a classic show and making it more popular and exciting than ever. I don't like everything they've done, but I can always see the rationale behind it, and it’s all done with best intentions of the show in mind.

This is why I couldn’t do a guide to Who. The web page would read "Isn’t Doctor Who great?" and then there would be quite a bit of blank screen.

Torchwood, on the other hand, I do not like. Sometimes it's the execution, sometimes it's the concepts, sometimes it's Owen saying 'fuck buddies' like a 14-year-old who's just read the term on the internet. The show's a mess, and seems entirely designed to provide plot holes, rubbish characterisation and cringe-worthy dialogue, for the purpose of generating smart-arse remarks. It'd almost be rude not to oblige.

The tone of this site is a bit similar to the excellent Doctor Who 'Complete(ly Unofficial / Useless) Encyclopaedias' by Chris Howarth and Steve Lyons, only without the love of the subject that shines through their books. I've therefore used the subtitle 'The Complete(ly Unaffectionate) Guide to Torchwood' as a tribute.

So, if you’re one of the people who really wish Torchwood had been more cop, but would miss the chance to tear into it if it was, then I hope you enjoy. And if you’re one of those people who voted 'Fantastic! Best of the best (excellent/5)' for Cyberwoman, then… keep taking the Retcon, I suppose.

Love, Derooftrouser

Oh, and yes - the name of the web page is a bit inelegant. But that's because it's a quote from the series.


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