I blog mostly over at my own domain now, weev.net. As an aside, my continued work is supported by readers like you.
Do you enjoy my work infuriating snobby SJWs, corporate executives, and federal agents? Perhaps you appreciate the sacrifices I've made defending your liberty? Please consider sending tips to help me continue doing it. You can do this through a number of ways.
The major ways to support my work are as follows.
I can currently receive recurring credit card payments via
Hatreon. The service is still invite only so please use invite code OLCRGFRQBOEX when signing up.
I heartily encourage you to consider cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin: 1JTeYcsx37XTq5NRgjepAHDqaLHTZUL88a
- also Etherium: 0x3BDD560c6827D4CA9B91630c757e2aD3BD88eCdb
- Dash: XyrbhhXnH2NPtxXKuJyfRgA3F1HAtvF4KR
- Litecoin: LbaSXjPXTc8dCyQ4b6CMRQvBtny4JGiAV7
- Zcash: t1MrZZx5krpaM1mnjbVCheUTnZsxav4qnJ9
- Ripple: r4P5frZybdemjxiLt2E25qHSVCLgPdD74E
- and also Monero, which best maintains our privacy (I prefer this most):