La'okio, Zonama Sekot, Wherever in the GFFA It Is Right Now, Monday Fandom Time

Sep 12, 2011 05:55

She'd gotten the invitation, yes, and Tahiri would have loved to have gone to the alumni mixer, except that she had her hands full.

Not literally at the moment, though they had been earlier. Not figuratively at the moment, either; she thought she'd managed to soothe the ruffled feathers (so to speak) of the villagers involved in today's latest argument. There hadn't been bloodshed; she counted it as a win.

Also counting as a win was the chance to get away, find a quiet spot in the jungle, and just relax for a few minutes.

[OOC: And open for phone calls/emails should anyone wish to flail all traumatized-like.]

zonama sekot

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