The dream itself was no surprise; Tahiri had been having dreams like this for over two years now. The setting and the context, though -- those were new. These dreams usually took place back on Yavin 4, or on the Errant Venture,, or an asteroid in the Yag'Dhul sector, or on that worldship orbiting Myrkr.
She wasn't used to seeing that familiar lopsided grin and those blue eyes a scant meter or two across the salle here in Fandom.
"Master Solusar used to get at you about your footwork all the time." Anakin Solo held his lightsaber hilt -- the one they'd retrieved from Coruscant after Luke defeated Shimrra, and that she'd left in Han and Leia's care when she left Zonama Sekot to come back to Fandom -- lightly in one hand, turning it over in his fingers. "Have you been working on that?"
"Every day . . . especially since Corran hounds me about it too," Tahiri replied lightly -- not defensively, as if she had something to prove. "Of course I've been working hard. What do you take me for, Anakin? The world's smallest Hutt?"
"No!" he protested, laughing the way she'd so rarely heard him laugh during the course of the war. "Of course not. I didn't think --"
She cut him off right there; the opportunity was just too good to pass up. "Obviously you didn't. Typical, Anakin, not thinking. That's what always gets you into trouble." It was what had gotten him killed, too; she could still hear Jaina yelling as much at him after he'd taken that amphistaff to the gut.
He took the jibe with a good natured smile, habit born of years of this kind of repartee. "You're starting to sound a little like my sister."
Maybe she was, but -- "Bantha poodoo," Tahiri retorted, thumbing her lightsaber on. "I've been telling you as much for years, duracrete-for-brains, not to mention I've been practicing."
"Okay, okay, easy." Now Anakin, still smiling, brought his lightsaber up and ignited it, touching its violet blade to Tahir's own blue one just to hear the crackle of energy at the contact point. He stepped back, his lanky frame falling gracefully into the ready stance Tahiri remembered so well. "Let's find out how good you are now."
Tahiri snorted. "Big talk, Solo. I just might surprise you." She stepped into the attack with twice the confidence she'd ever had the last time they sparred, Jedi training and warrior instincts both at the ready. Anakin fought the same way he always had; Tahiri, though she wasn't close to beating him, could analyze his moves with a more practiced eye. It was a little jarring, this perspective -- like waking up in the same room as you did every other morning but seeing it from the other side and in slightly sharper focus -- but it didn't throw off the rhythm of what felt like an old, comfortable dance. Soon she was grinning at him through the mingled glow of their lightsabers, listening to his approving comments over the hum and crackle of blade on blade.
When she woke, smiling wistfully, Tahiri got out of bed and changed into a clean set of robes -- one of her older pairs, well-worn and comfortable even if the trousers were a bit shorter than she'd gotten used to -- before slipping out of the room and away from the dorms. She wasn't sure where she was going just yet, but something was pulling her toward the woods, and without questioning why she followed.
[OOC: 'staaaaaaablishy. Would've been up, you know, forever ago but no, my brain took a siesta.]