
Mar 09, 2003 19:35

Okay Howdoyado. Im fine.So much to tell..But im going to make this as short as possible because im sure people dislike reading long journals..AS IF anyone actually reads mine anyways.

Well friday i went to see my grandpa..he is doing SO great.I mean he is a week ahead of what he is supposed to be.He can walk..and just today his stomach woke up..and he is burping..and passing 'gas' lmao.Its great.He should get out earlier too.I cant wait!
I stayed with my grandma..She missed him so much..She missed yellin at him and stuff lol.It was weird being there with her with my grandpa not there.Sure was.My aunt is there with my grandma..and she has just quit smoking..so she is on everyones back.She was really pissing me off over the past 2 days.I just kept it in.She has been pissin EVERYONE off and she thinks its US not her.BLAH Well today she was like"MANNN EVERYONE GET OFF MY BACK..YOU TOO MORGAN..SHIT" My mom was sitin next to me..and my mom looked at me like.."oh shit" so i looked at my aunt..and said"Look tina..you need to calm your nerves down..go smoke a fucking cigarette or something but get off OUR back and stop acting like a ignorant whiney pathetic child" and she stood up and started fussing at me like she was gunna do something so i stood up and looked her right and the eye and said"I dont give a damn WHO you are but i suggest you get your ass out of my face..before i knock your fucking face through the back of your head" and my mom was like"morgan go outside and calm down" So i did as she said..and OMG i was just hella PISSED the fuck off..Whew.Me and my mom then left and spent time with my papi till about 6..then came home.Yep..My week end was just GREAT i tell ya..ALL of it except being with my stupid ass Aunt. Lord have mersey
Welp..thats about it :) Good Bye/
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