
Mar 04, 2003 17:06

You no AOL is so bogus sometimes..well almost all the time..

Im not going to say any names..but see ive been sick all day..ive slept all day at that.SO i wake up,watch riding in the car with boys with my mother,eat some pringles..take some medication,then sign online as i start to cook dinner.My friend,'g' (lets call her/he that) IMz me..Her/He start a conversation then all of the sudden her/he asked me "do you not like me anymore?" i replied.."OF COURSE" then i bring up and old friend..I show her/he a few emails theyve sent me..telling me how much they like me..and even a few with the word love you in them.Well 'g' told me that,that same person has been saying the same thing to her/him..I mean this person is playing games..and it really pisses me off.ALSO This person gets hella made when ever i bring up another guy,like jealousy or something.IM not sure what it is,BUT..they get if i belong to them or some wild shit. AOL drama never ends i tell ya..
Yesterday i went to the doctors and they told me i have strep throat,they gave me some medicine and shit.After that me and my mom+bro+sis drove to WALMARTTTTT*** lol and i got an outfit at this one store for 17 bucks man. Its pimpish too :D This sexxy red pants with this Black shirt..yeah ill rock it you no meee.Then there was a carnival infront of walmart so i took my brother and sister too it while my mom was waitin on my medicine.There was this one hot guy there..he flirting with me =x Then This old lady walked by and she started talkin to him,and i over heard her say..Was it you or your twin brother that was into porno.I was like..WHAAA?!?! lmaoo It was hilarious,thank god he said his brother though..I would have felt violated..THEN these two mexicans walked by and were looking at me..lmao..It was like 20 degrees out side and one was wearing a wife beater it was so fucking funny i just wanted to laugh..but i held it in:D Yeah..yesterday was a day i will not forget..sike i prolly will 0=D
Today has went by smooth..cept for that AOL dramaa lamaaa sheeitt..My mom went to the hospital and took my sister with her to see my papiii..I wish i could have went =/ I cant wait to get better so i can go visit him =*( i mish his old <3 love ya popz.
Enough of this..My fingers are numb ;D

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