MiniNano 2010 - Day 19

Nov 19, 2010 22:27

11/19 - Babysit 'verse update - 100 words

Jeff roused at a sound he couldn’t place. It wasn’t something close by, but he checked the surrounding area anyway. Jared had managed to roll completely over Jensen and wedge himself between Jensen and Steve. Chris was comfortably curled at the foot of the bed on the boys’ side. All of them seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Since he was already awake, and it was not like he was going to get a good night’s sleep anyway, Jeff eased out of the bed to shuffled down the hall and check on Misha. It was a good thing he did.
11/18 - 637 words of h/c for tsukino_akume's birthday - Shane/Dustin - Dude, is that the ceiling?
11/17 - comment_fic - 242 words - prompt Dean/Castiel - feeding ducks in the park
11/16 - spn_j2_xmas fic - 335 words
11/15 - spn_j2_xmas fic - 153 words
11/14 - Babysit 'verse - 1,195 words - Saturday - Bedtime
11/13 - Babysit 'verse update - 245 words
11/12 - Babysit 'verse update - 220 words
11/11 - comment fic - 339 words - J2 - Snow Day - written for prompt at spnroundtable 
11/10 - comment fic - 387 words - Dean/Castiel - Castiel fixes the Impala before Dean asks
11/9 - Babysit 'verse update - 101 words
11/8 - comment fic - 100 words - Eliot/Dean - celebrating that they're still alive
11/7 - comment fic - 193 words - Jeff/Jensen - ice melts fast in heat like this
11/6 - comment fic - 212 words
11/5 - comment fic - 123 words
11/4 - Babysit 'verse update - 155 words
11/3 - Babysit 'verse update - 300 words
11/2 - Babysit 'verse update - 165 words
11/1 - comment fic WIP - 173 words

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