I now love Matt Cohen (young John) much the way I fell in love with Samantha Ferris when I saw her panel live at a con. He is sweet, funny, adorable, and SO appreciative of how much the fans love him.
You know how the Creation folks say "don't ask for hugs"? When Matt took the stage he was like, "Is it hug time?" He jogged and leapt off the stage to hug every person who asked him a question. He's a hotass rocking the jeans and black t-shirt. I'd LOVE for him to come back as young John.
Matt really loved having the opportunity to drive the Impala with all the other actors inside. I dig the fact that he understands how iconic the car is - he's a geeky fan of the show and I love that.
Fred Lehne confirmed that he'll be back. He's heading to Vancouver on Wednesday for filming. \0/
ETA - GLEE! While waiting in line for photo op with Steve, Matt walked by with his handler. I said, "I didn't ask you a question so I didn't get a hug." He totally swooped in and gave me a big hug! Seriously?! LOVE HIM! "Don't say I never gave you a hug!"