Title: Any Port in a Storm Genre/Rating: Hurt/Comfort/PG Characters: Sam & Dean Summary: response to prompt over at the spngenlove H/C meme - "Dean is bitten by a bug that causes hallucinatins and convulsions. Sam must not only find a cure, but keep his brother grounded through the ordeal."
WEE! I really like this. I like the way you always play with the senses and I really enjoy that Sam needed to rely on auditory and light touches because sight was such an issue.
Meanwhile, I was singing along with every song. =)
AND Simon and Simon totally had lyrics over the end credits I used to sing along with them in case they froze a scene on AJ's face.
You and I know the meaning of amigo, We're not alike, yet everybody we know knows we're more than brothers, we're best of friends. We may not look, or think like one another, And there were times, when we have hurt each other, Still we're more than brothers, We're best of friends.
Seriously, I have no recollection of Simon & Simon having words to their theme song!
I appreciate that you get the whole sense thing. Dean being a visual guy scared to death by visual hallucinations just worked for me; Sam getting through auditorily makes so much sense and I love that on some level Dean gets that even through all of his fear.
Comments 18
That was fun. Thanks so much. I am so happy someone wrote something for my prompt! No one ever takes my prompt.
Thundercats, ho!
Meanwhile, I was singing along with every song. =)
AND Simon and Simon totally had lyrics over the end credits I used to sing along with them in case they froze a scene on AJ's face.
You and I know the meaning of amigo,
We're not alike, yet everybody we know
knows we're more than brothers,
we're best of friends.
We may not look, or think like one another,
And there were times, when we have hurt each other,
Still we're more than brothers,
We're best of friends.
I appreciate that you get the whole sense thing. Dean being a visual guy scared to death by visual hallucinations just worked for me; Sam getting through auditorily makes so much sense and I love that on some level Dean gets that even through all of his fear.
Sam's awesome!
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