Being an Auntie is the best job!

Mar 15, 2009 07:38

I had the best time last night! In school on Friday I got a flyer for the production of Once Upon a Mattress that they were putting on at the high school and I thought it would be right up Abby's alley.

On they flyer it stated that any "Little Royalty" that came in costume would join a parade during intermission and had a chance to win a photo with the cast after the show. When I got to the house to pick up Ab she was busily tearig through her costume box to find something to wear. She's outgrown her Snow White costume and her purple Princess gown, so she was going for a mix-and-match.

Ab was already wearing a blue t-shirt with a rose outlined in sparkly blue sequins, so it was the blue she wanted to coordinate with. She came upstairs with an armload of things including a blue Cinderella skirt, a pink sparkly robe, a square of lace fabric, a pink boa and a pink-sequined, Mouse-eared, pointy princess hat. She went with the blue skirt, pink hat and lace for a shawl. Completing the outfit were black tights and white shoes.

We had a little time before the show and since we live right down the block from the high school we stopped to chat with Jeanne. While we were there Ab wanted to look through my costume box for a tiara to replace the pink hat. We were successful! Then, to complete the outfit, I dug out a white cape to wear on top of the ensamble. Abby was over the moon - the cape gave her a train, and made her float. Perfection!

Well, with the girl so dressed up, I felt like a slob in my jeans and sneakers, so I changed too. I put on a black skirt, a sparkly blue top and a small wreath of vines and roses I made when I was in Camelot. We were freakin' adorable!

Jeanne dropped us off at the high school so we didn't have to park. Abby made quite a splash walking around in her outfit. The cast members were passing out playbills at the doors in costumes - she was very amused by the boys in tights. *g* We had seats in row D, and we were seated next to Emily who was also dressed as a princess. Ab sat in seat 8 because that's her age; Emily was in seat 6 - also her age! Emily was dressed as Princess Aroura. She and Ab had a lovely chat.

I've never seen the show before. It starts and things are rolling along. The sub plot has to do with the fact that until the prince marries, no one else in the kingdom can marry either. However in scene 2 Lady Larkin tells Sir Harry she's pregnant after a tryst they had; it's important for the prince to find a princess so Larkin and Harry can marry as soon as possible. Abby immediately turns to me to ask, "I don't understand - how can they have a baby if they're not married?"

*facepalm* I put her off to intermission, then told her that's a question to ask Mommy.

During intermission Ab and I took a walk to stretch our legs. She was very entertaining with the flowing cape and her hair flipping. She and Emily got to parade around, up to the stage - I definitly think it was poorly arranged; they had to walk around people and no one really knew what was going on.

The play itself was fine - a high school production. The one standout was the Queen. She came through our Drama Club- she was Marion in The Music Man. She was excellent then, she's even stronger now!

After the show, Ab and Emily went up on stage and sat on the thrones - the cast gathered around them for a cast photo. The director is going to e-mail us the pictures. I can't wait to see how they turn out!

family, kids

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