Let's go fly a kite!

Oct 29, 2008 18:32

I had a fabulous day in the city with Jeanne. All transportation via train into and out of the city went off without a hitch which is always a nice way to start and end the day.

Continued to read Good Omens on the train. Many more references on my f-list begin to make sense...

We got rained on a little, but mostly we were inside.

Got half price tickets for Mary Poppins for my birthday show pick! So exciting!

Went to lunch at TGIFridays. Delicious!

Walked around a bit - look at me! Walking with conviction! I picked up some peanut M&Ms to sneak into the show at Duane Reed (not CVS but it'll do). I also got a new, pink NY hat since I have to retire my old one.

Got to the theatre at 1:30 and found out we had fantastic seats. Orchestra, row M, just left of center, aisle seat for me! Woohoo!

The show was super - I LOVED IT! The set pieces were completely phenomenal! Mary Poppins and Mrs. Banks in particualr were standouts. Their voices were ridiculously clear. Gavin Lee, who plays Bert, was also fantastic. For this being his first Broadway production he was totally amazing. The children playing Jane and Michael were also really good, though the little girl wasn't as crisp on the choreography as the little boy.

And then there's Daniel Jenkins. *draws shiny hearts* Daniel Jenkens played Huck Finn in the original production of Big River which happens to be my all time favorite musical. I've been in love with his voice since 1985 when I bought the soundtrack on cassette and wore it out. It's slightly disconcerting that it's over twenty years later and he's playing the dad in Mary Poppins. Also, I miss the twang...but that's neither here nor there. I loved him and still do.

They had the best curtain call I have EVER seen. And I'm a real snob when it comes to curtain calls. They started with the ensemble taking bows to "Step in Time" so the audience was totally clapping along. When the family comes out to bow, the audience breaks from clapping in rhythm to applaud them individually. Then when Bert comes out there's pandemonium, followed by Mary Poppins who brings the house down. THEN the entire ensemble sings/dances "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" which brought the house down again. Awesome!

As I said, the sets were amazing and so were the special effects. There happened to be two large school groups in the audience and listening to their reactions to the effects was highly amusing. When Mary Poppins flew out over the audience there was mass hysteria. Good times. *g*

I would highly recommend this musical to musical lovers!

birthday, me

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