Before school thoughts

Sep 05, 2007 07:52

I'm really enjoying this whole gettinig to school at 8:30 thing. And I realize that I could do this on a regular basis, but I'm such a morning person that I prefer to get to school at 7:00 and work my ass off until 3:30. Then I can collapse into a puddle of goo on the floor. Until I have to pick myself up and walk 5-7 miles. Oh yeah.

I baked 3 dozen cookies this morning to bring to the WBEA luncheon. And yesterday Midge asked me to be in charge of Sunshine Club since she'll be out for the next few weeks. I also signed up to help the Social Committee. And I'm the Water Club person too. I hardly have time to teach. *g*

Today's Abby's first day of second grade. Both she and Maureen were underwhelmed when meeting the new teacher yesterday. Hopefully today will be a little more exciting and Ab will get a window seat on the bus like she wants.

family, school, kids

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