Pacific Rim

Aug 05, 2013 19:56

I know I'm weeks behind...but today I saw Pacific Rim (in IMAX) with Ryn and all I have to say is...who can point me to the soulbonding-drift fic?

How much shit went down BEFORE THE TITLE CARD EVEN CAME UP?  Holy cow!  I read enough reviews to know that the brother died and that Railegh (sp?) experienced it...but it was freakin' brutal!

Hotass Jaeger pilot is a hotass and why don't I know him?  Luckily, Ryn pointed me to Sons of Anarchy so I can see him again soon.

Loved the other robot pilots - can we address for a moment how freakin' AWESOME those robots were?  They were amazing and I totally bought them - hook, line and sinker.  And the alien monsters were awesome too.  How the hell do they make this shit up?

Back to the pilots - aside from our main crew, I think I loved the Austrailians the best.  Are you kidding me with that farewell?  Ryn and I were both crying.

I really loved the scene where they were testing fighting compatibility for the new Gipsy Danger partner.  I LOVED Mako and that she was really able not to keep up but to kick ass.  I have no idea who the little girl actress who played Mako in the flashback was, but she was incredible and made me cry.

I also loved the Kaiju-loving scientist.  I loved him to much.  I loved that when he was running for his life, he was running his ass off and when he fell he craweled his ass off and he looked like he wet his pants at least four times.

It was just amazing and I hope that it makes enough world-wide to warrent a sequel.  I'd be there in a minute! 


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