Baby's first birthday

Feb 05, 2013 09:55

It was baby J's first birthday this weekend. Wow this year has gone fast. It seems like only yesterday that she was born. I went round to my brothers for the birthday party on Saturday. For a kid who is only one, she sure got a lot of presents. As usual, however, she was more interested in the cards than in anything else. Well, that is, except for one present which she most definitely loved above all else, her new baby i-phone. I can't believe my 1 year old neice has an i-phone. I don't have an i-phone.

Anyway, she absolutely loved it. Refused to put it down, held on like grim death when anyone tried to take it from her. She did put it down to have a poke at the birthday cake when it arrived, but quickly tired of that and was soon looking for her phone again. She even went off for her nap clinging tightly to her phone. Yep, I can see how the next 20 years are going to go with this kid.
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