Because I'm bored, that's why.

Dec 18, 2008 15:20

Meme ganked from configmanager, from his other blog...

List the first sentence from the first post and the last sentence from the last post for every month (and I'm ignoring meme entries):

January: I went to my first rehearsal last night, for the play I'm understudying in. Let's see if the magic of theatre will work again...

February: It's been a day of crisis after crisis after crisis. I am so done with cold weather.

March: Closing weekend was fantabulous, really. Then we had lunch in Shirlington and went home.

April: *Background - last month, he received a $75 parking ticket because he parked in the wrong lot. But he doesn't know yet what the raise will be, so I'm just hoping, hoping, hoping.

May: Happy Friday everyone. Philly, you were grand.

June: Work chewed me up and spit me out today, so I didn't have any time to write about the weekend. It's going to be a busy, but thankfully shorter week.

July: I've been fairly happy with work lately. Timing is everything these days.

August: Friday night we had dinner with C+T at our local lebanese restaurant. At least it could've eaten the whole thing!

September: What a weekend! Feel better about where Obama stands now.

October: We saw the movie Religulous on Friday night. It's been 15 weeks- COME ON ALREADY! :(

November: It took me 5 minutes to walk in the light rain to my community center, approximately 1 minute for them to look me up and for me to sign the form, 1 minute of screen touching, and then 5 minutes to walk back home. We had a nice dinner out at La Madeleine, making sure to sit nice and close to their fireplace, and also found time to relax, cuddle on the couch and watch movies.

December: 4 day weekends should occur much more often. TBD!

I'm kind of surprised how well some of those fit together :)


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