Getting the gold

Sep 02, 2008 10:42

What a weekend! It was our community's 3-day labor day festival, so that was the theme for most of the weekend, although we got a nice break on Sunday. Friday evening, S & I and our friend, L, attended the carnival-like festival. We bought some books at the used-book sale and wandered the midway for a bit. Hawaiian shaved ice makes me happy. After finding that carnival food does not really count as "dinner", we ate a second meal at our local cafe before parting ways.

On Saturday, we drove up to Frederick so S could sift through some costumes at one of the theatres there. She was successful in finding a couple items, we grabbed a quick bite to eat, and then high-tailed it back home so we could sit at our GLBT group's booth at the Information Day part of the labor day festival. Luckily we did not have any harassers and we did have a few people seriously stop by to take some information. Mission accomplished. We packed up our stuff, rested for an hour at home, and then headed out to DC to meet our friends, S+J, for dinner. Before dinner, S & I went to the brand-new cupcake store in Dupont Circle called Hello Cupcake. We picked up 6 cupcakes to share with our friends for dessert. Then we met them at Firefly for a lovely, delicious dinner and lots of interesting conversation. We enjoyed the cupcakes afterwards at the Dupont fountain and let me tell you, these cupcakes were an A+.

On Sunday, we went to the MD Renaissance Festival for the first time this season (2nd weekend open). We went for the latter half of the fair because it was very hot, and modified our outfits some due to the heat. We saw 2 shows (one ok, one not), heard a historical talk on beauty during the Renaissance (highly interesting), and attended Pub Sing (very enjoyable). We're looking forward to experiencing the earlier half of the fair when we go again at the end of this month.

Finally, yesterday was labor day, and that means: PARADE. We got up bright and early and walked to the park to meet some other members of our GLBT group. It was a slow start and we worried if we would have enough people, but by the start of the parade, we had enough to make it work plus a couple more. Our theme this year was "Equality Gets the Gold", based on the Olympics. We each dressed up like an Olympic athlete and had a flag on our back that represented a countty that recognizes same-sex marriage (there are 7 countries and 2 US states currently). We had a lot of fun walking although we didn't win in our category this year. Oh well! We spent some time at a BBQ at one of our member's houses afterwards before going home to relax the rest of the day.

Two leftover cupcakes from Hello Cupcake! (which were then quickly devoured)

Ren Fest - the king gets bad news about yet another wife

Katherine Howard gets bad news about what happens next

At the pub

Ladies singing

The Moor hosting

S dressed as an Olympic softball player

She swings!

Me dressed like an Olympic volleyball player

She serves!

Waiting for the parade to start

Freedom rings

holidays, renfest, pride, weekends, food, get togethers

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