X & Y

Aug 08, 2008 12:02

My coworkers and I went out a-drinkin after work yesterday (left at 4pm). They set it up to celebrate my recent promotion. It made me realize that even though the politics and some of the people where I work suck, these coworkers are awesome and I finally feel like I'm in a place where we're a family of sorts. We all had a really good time. We went to a local lounge first, and then spontaneously decided to have a night on the town in DC. It was also excellent timing for me given that S is out of town. We had a rooftop dinner in Dupont Circle, under the stars and the cooler evening air. Then we went to a bar for a quick drink, and then to a club that unfortunately was closed so we decided to call it a night. The 4 guys and I chatted non-stop about all sorts of things, and at one point I found myself debating with my manager about sperm and why there are more women than men in the world. Surreal. When we got to discussing the power of the mind and the infinity-ness of atoms, we all wondered if the bartender put pot in our drinks. lol.

Happy Friday everyone!

From thefridayfive:

1. Do you have a scent that when you smell it, brings up a memory? Do share.
The smell of pasta sauce reminds me of home cooking. "Soft Couer" from Lush reminds me of sex.

2. Is there a particular song that brings back happy memories? Song title and memory, if you care to share that much.
"Beginning to see the Light" by Ella Fitzgerald because it was our wedding song. There's also a song by Fleetwood Mac that makes me think of S.

3. How about a song that brings up painful memories? Song title and memory, if you care to share that much.
"Trouble" by Coldplay reminds me of the break-up of my first relationship.

4. Food. Is there a certain food that conjures up memories?
Pastina reminds me of being sick because my mom used to make it for me when I was sick as a child. An assortment of home-made cookies (like for holidays) makes me think of making them with my mom as a kid. Pomegranite, or any strong fruit-flavored sorbet makes me think of the best. dessert. ever. that we had in P-town for our honeymoon.

5. Clothing? Do you have an item of clothing or if you see a certain item, does it make you think of a time/place or person?
I have a pair of cut-off sweatpants that used to belong to my first gf (I know, BAD! but they're so comfy!) I don't think about their origin anymore though...well, not until this question that is.

From the altfriday5:

1. List 5 things which are basic common knowledge in your culture, which people outside are unfamiliar with. This is not about obscurity, but something everyday to you, that others go "bzuh?" at.
What a crazy question. Uhh...Jews don't have horns? Not all gay people are child molestors? Next!

2. What was the last book you read that was written by a person who is a different race than you? Do you seek out books written by people of other races? Why? Why not?
I don't know because I don't really pay attention to the author. If I like what the book is about, I'm going to read it. Do people actually think about the race of the author they're reading?

3. What did you eat at dinner last night? Would you call it ethnic food? Why?
I had 7-cheese macaroni and cheese and that is probably one of the least ethnic foods a person can eat. lol.

4. Has your gender presentation changed over the last 5 years? Has this change/lack of change been a deliberate choice on your part?
No and no. I present myself how I feel comfortable, and I feel comfortable being fairly feminine but not overly so.

5. Do you discuss race and racism in your livejournal/blog or in person? Why have you made that choice?
I'll discuss anything anyone wants to talk about, including racism. I did talk about racism not too long ago because of an issue in my community, but not for an extended period of time.

6. Bonus question. Were you aware of International Blog Against Racism Week? Did you choose to participate in it? Why or why not?
I was not aware :)

work, meme

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