Work matters

Jul 03, 2008 09:40

I've been fairly happy with work lately. Sure, things have been busy, but they're challenging and not overly so. I feel like I'm learning a lot at this job, and skills I can take with me anywhere in the future. And my immediate supervisor encourages my skills development and overall career growth. Oh, and I just signed my job reclassification papers this week. So by the end of this month, I should have my appropriate title and more appropriate salary.

This week they're doing construction outside near the part of the building my cube is located at. When I began working yesterday, my whole desk was shaking. I told my boss I had to move and he was fine with that. Down the hall were several empty offices belonging to another department...luckily I've done work for, and am good acquaintences with the director and she told me I was welcome to use an office. I've now officially become a squatter in said office and I don't know when I'm going to leave. I fucking love the's quiet and private and MINE. Ok, it's not MINE, but it feels like it. I can at least stay here until they're done with the construction...maybe through next week :-)

I joined "the boys" (my 3 males coworkers who I'm friends with) for lunch yesterday. We took a nice walk and ate outside, it was lovely.

Every two weeks, HR sends out a reminder email to fill out our timesheets. They've recently begun inserting a picture into the email, usually of people or places around my workplace. My supervisor told us we have to get a picture and make it a good one. He, and the rest of us, have an evil sense of humor so I'm looking forward to it. Of course, it can't be terribly risque but we'll see what we can do...

Yay for the long weekend!!! Have a good fourth everyone :-)


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