Rainbows flying

Apr 28, 2008 10:57

This weekend was crazy lovely busy. I'm going to let pictures speak for most of Friday and Sunday though.

On Friday, S & I took a half day and, along with the dog, went to the National Arboretum, since the weather was beautiful and I had never been there before. The azaleas are in full bloom and were gorgeous.

On Saturday, we attended the Rainbow Families Conference. It was a 9-5 type thing, with something like 40 different sessions on various topics going on throughout the day. Out of those, we could only pick 3 to attend, and also a yummy boxed lunch from Whole Foods was provided midday. We attended classes on donor insemination, budgeting, and second parent adoption. I feel that we learned a lot and got some important questions answered. It makes me that much more ready to start the process (soon), and we're likely to attend the conference again next year to learn even more. Since Saturday was our 5-year anniversary, we had a delicious dinner at the Melting Pot in the evening- cheddar fondue, blue cheese/walnut salad, surf & turf entree, and dark chocolate/frangelico fondue for dessert = Fat + Happy.

On Sunday, we went to a wedding in Annapolis, at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Center. Sadly, the weather was not so nice, but it stopped raining and allowed the couple to have their ceremony outside on the sand. It was comical how all the women attending (and I guess the men, too) had to empty the sand from their shoes afterwards (ourselves included). The ceremony was beautiful and touching. I am impressed at how close they both are to their families, and how incredibly supportive their families are. We had a good time chatting with our friends, indulging in the really delicious meal and wedding cake, dancing, and taking pictures.

National Arboretum

Difficulties getting a good picture of Hazel

There were enormous koi you could feed...

And they went absolutely crazy for the food...check out that gaping mouth!

There was also a fabulous collection of bonsai trees

Bleeding hearts

Floating caterpillar

And then, the wedding from yesterday. Just a few pics since I doubt anyone here knows the couple.

pride, weekends, family, food, events

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