Half naked cherry blossoms

Mar 31, 2008 09:45

I attended my first bachelor party on Friday night, for our friend B. S is going to be the "best man" at his wedding next weekend so she was in charge of the bachelor party arrangements. We started off by having an interesting, tasty Belgian meal at Granville Moore's in DC. There I had my first bison burger which didn't taste much different from a regular hamburger to me. We also sampled several different types of beer, and who knew fruity lambics were so tasty??

After dinner, we walked hardly a block to The Palace of Wonders to see a burlesque show performed by the troupe Wasabassco. The show was really funny and the acts were very clever. We all enjoyed ourselves and kept the alcohol flowing, especially for B.

At Granville Moore's (the "before" pictures)

With our smiling bald waiter lol

S & B toast in front of the pretty wall

I was amused that one of our friends keeps extra cash in his sock

Drinking...a shot of jager and red bull (ugh)

Lemon drops (I'm sucking a lemon)

B is giggly but not too happy about jager and red bull

Ok, now we're getting to the "after" pictures

Girl scout/girl scout cookie act

"White n' Nerdy" act, complete with crocheted Flash underwear which unfortunately you can't see in this picture

Selling their own brand of hot sauce

Overjoyed by hot sauce and pasties

Saturday we slept in, shopped, and ran errands. Then yesterday, my parents came over at 9:30am and we all went into DC to see the cherry blossoms. Most were at peak, but I think they may be even better next weekend. We walked the whole tidal basin, though it was quite chilly, and also saw the World War II memorial. Then we had lunch in Shirlington and went home.

A little tired, a little cold ;-)


WWII memorial

nature, parties, weekends, family, food

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