Fit to burst

Nov 26, 2007 10:18

4 day weekends do not happen often enough.

On Wednesday night, we went to the Hippo in Baltimore to play bingo. Sadly, we did not win anything. We came within one number several times, but someone always beat us to it, and that just hurts. Plus I spilled S's drink on my lap. Good times! At least I got a free cupcake from a woman sitting nearby who brought them in for everyone.

On Thanksgiving day, we went to VA to S's family's house for the meal. There were 13 of us. We helped a little with preparations and then dug in. Much delicious food was consumed, including a pudding pie that had not set properly but was still damn tasty, especially topped with homemade whipped cream. Hazel helped clean the floor before, during, and after the meal.

Friday morning we were going to wake up at the ungodly hour of 5:30am in order to be at Target when they opened at 6 to procure ourselves a flat panel tv on super-sale. We ended up chucking the idea, realizing that we don't really NEED a tv, and instead went to Target at 9am to browse and found out the tv we wanted was sold out. I'm assuming they had maybe three in stock anyway. Later on, we headed back to VA so I could get a haircut and we could meet up with r_is_for_rose and gb_crush for dinner at Sweetwater Tavern. More yummy food was consumed, and afterwards we decided to go see Beowulf in 3D. Being that I hadn't read Beowulf since middle school, I was not prepared for the goryness or the amount of "adult" subject matter because the CGI animation had me thinking more in kid terms. How mistaken I was. That said, I enjoyed it very much. And the makers did take liberties with the story, but it still made a pretty cool movie. Angelina Jolie was highly distracting see her head pop up out of the water in 500AD Denmark was admittedly very strange.

On Saturday, we spent half the day at home getting some R&R. Later on, it was back to VA for a latke party at S's family's house. We spent a few hours peeling, grating, squishing, seasoning, mixing, and frying potatoes into yummy little latke addictions. Around 15 of us then enjoyed eating them with applesauce, fruit, and chicken mcnuggets. Not sure why chicken mcnuggets...perhaps for protein. We opened a few Hanukkah gifts as well since Hanukkah is early this year and R + GB won't be in town for it. Everyone was happy with their gifts, myself included, as I now have a new book to read and money to spend :)

Yesterday we bummed around. All day. Man I needed that.

holidays, weekends, family, food, get togethers

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