We'll have a gay ol' time

Oct 12, 2007 14:47

Yesterday was National Coming Out day. At my place of work, there was a rally for domestic partnership benefits which S joined me for. The paper says about 250 attended (though it didn't feel like that many) But it was a nice event with lots of speakers, including local politicians showing their support. I'm sure we'll get these benefits either this year or next. It's more important to get them in all of Maryland though with same-sex marriage.

We left that to go home, change, and grab things we needed for our GLBT group's Coming Out Day event. We probably had 20ish people show up, which made me sad. I wanted/expected a bigger crowd, especially since we had an awesome speaker (Dan Furmansky from Equality MD) and an awesome local singer/guitarist (Michelle Swan). However, it was a very "feel good" event and at least 10 people told their coming out stories, myself included, as well as the singer :) We had pizza, warm apple cider, good music, good company, and a raffle as well. All in all, a lovely evening, albeit a very chilly Fall night.

Today we found ourselves in a picture from last week's AIDS Walk in DC (top row, middle): http://www.metroweekly.com/scene/index.php?k=926&fa=48

Finally, today was moving day for me- from one cube section to another that is. So it's been interesting, but so far I'm happy with my new space.

pride, work

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