Fun in the Sun

Aug 07, 2007 09:53

Friends, A+A, of our friend, J, invited us to stay with them this past weekend. They live about 30 min from Rehoboth Beach. We arrived there on Friday night after a 2.5 hour drive and a stop in Denton, DE where the only attraction was the restaurant we ate at for dinner (which admittedly, was pretty tasty).

We arrived, said our hellos to J and half of the A+A couple, and relaxed for 15 minutes, at which point we jumped back in the car to go pick up the other A from work. Then we headed to downtown Rehoboth to par-TAY. We chose the Frogg Pond to grab some drinks and dance. There was a girlband called Wicked Jezabel playing mostly classic rock tunes, which admittedly were hard to dance to at first, but perfectly fine after a couple drinks ;) I actually recognized an old friend of mine at the bar, too, which was a nice surprise. We went back to the house, played Apples to Apples, and got to bed around 3am.

The next morning we had plans to go to the beach. We figured it would be no problem to go a bit later, being that we were only 30 min from it. Wrong. We had stopped for breakfast first at Surf Bagel and then drove around for 2 hours looking for a beach that was still admitting people and cars, it was crazy. A had to work again and we decided to drop her off early since we were running out of time. She works at a diner so we chilled there for a while and had ice cream floats. The remaining 4 of us finally made it to the beach at 3pm.

J is so happy to be at the beach!


J and A

S thinks the ocean is funny!

A and I swam out pretty far

S runs in fear as the wave clobbers a random guy

We left the beach after a few hours, went back to the house to shower and change, and back downtown again for a late dinner at the Pig + Fish where yummy mussels, bruchetta, fish, and steak were had. We had ice cream from The Ice Cream Store for dessert. They really don't even need a name, their ice cream is so damn good. I had "Sirius Black" which was dark chocolate with a rich raspberry swirl. We shopped for a bit and made it home around 1am.

Sunday we woke up earlier to get to the beach. This was a good plan. We arrived at Rehoboth just after 10am and had breakfast at Lori's Oy Vey cafe, one of our favorite places.

We then went to North Shores beach and frollicked.

A+A check out the surf

After an hour, we heard thunder and the lifeguards raised the red flag. People began packing up and leaving the beach in droves. Not everyone wanted to drive away though, so they loitered in the parking lot, sitting in their beach chairs and drinking.

We loitered a little, too.

But then we left to have lunch at Grotto Pizza, yum. More shopping ensued, with a stop at an adult-themed toy store where we found these masks.

We left after that, said our goodbyes, and headed back home. After one day at work, I'm ready to go back ;)

weekends, travel, pictures, get togethers

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