Slave to the Traffic Light

Apr 23, 2007 10:08

I'm hurting in strange places due to all the heavy lifting and yard work over the weekend. The weather was absolutely gorgeous (and still is...tell me again why I'm at work?)

Friday night we out to dinner at Chevy's with another couple- they're working backstage on the show S is in. After our meal, the 4 of us headed to Arlington to see a production of Thoroughly Modern Millie. We knew about half the people in the cast. Overall it was enjoyable. I'd never seen the show before and didn't know it blatantly satirized other theatre genres, such as Gilbert & Sullivan and old vaudeville acts- those parts were very amusing. The pace of the show tended to lack in most areas, making for a long evening, and the costumes were poorly done, but I still liked the production and we had a good time.

Saturday we woke up early and started bringing all of our junk over to the community yard sale. We also set up a baked goods/hot dog sale and S & I took charge of that all day, from 8am until about 4pm. We got tons of foot traffic being that it was such a beautiful day and I think everyone did really well selling their stuff. Amazingly, S & I made over $150, most of it on items that were less than $5. The bake sale made over $100 and that will go directly towards our GLBT group. It was nice to hang out with friends in the sun all day.
That evening, we attended a wine party at ptpgrad's house. She was supposed to be debuting a chocolate fountain, but the Belgian chocolate she used was so rich and thick, it wouldn't flow. We got there for the aftermath, which was seeing all of the melted chocolate in a fondue pot instead. No complaints here! We had a good time eating, drinking, talking, and singing with the rest of the folks. They are a Renaissance Festival crowd, hence the singing :)

Yesterday I did yard work and household chores, laid out in the hammock reading and basically relaxed while S was at rehearsal. We grilled and ate our dinner outside that evening. God I love this weather.

parties, theatre, weekends

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