Just a perfect blendship

Mar 21, 2007 11:24

Today is my final day off for Spring break. Apart from yesterday, the days weren't really warm enough to spend outside which is a shame, but other than that, can't complain. On Monday afternoon, C+C drove me to College Perk for lunch, and S met us there. We bought the gals lunch and a s'mores platter for dessert since we kind of missed their birthdays near the beginning of the month (they were also out of town around that time). We had a nice, relaxing meal and hung out quite a while after just chatting in the very chat-conducive environment.

Yesterday I ran errands and shopped during the day. Bought $75 worth of clothes at Old Navy. Sadly I don't seem to have the same luck at malls so it seems I am perpetually buying Old Navy's stock. Last night, C+C, A, J & I went to the Silver Diner for "Bad Food Night." A's wife is gone on a business trip for the next couple weeks so we had planned to go out and distract her by getting some comfort food (i.e. milkshakes and cheese fries) We all felt like puking by the end of the night, thus, it was successful.

Finally, tonight we are heading over to C+C's again to meet up with the same group of gals, watch bad reality tv, and eat spoon cake out of a crock pot. Don't ask.

C+C's house is on the market as they are planning to move to Vermont this year. This is the first time since high school I have truly felt sad about my friends leaving. I feel like there's going to be a big hole left when they're gone :(

shopping, food, get togethers

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