Nov 26, 2005 00:52
so, today my mind was made up(i hate this keyboard) but i have to drop out of school..yeah, i never ever thought i would have to say those words in my life. But its the most responsible thing for me to do right now. None of us were ready for this or prepaired in anyway what so ever. I feel like an ass because i told tia that i was so so sorry tia...theres just no way i could stay..the financial aid people did nothing to help me figure out what i should do. and i dont know what i want to do in school. So, i have to come back home and go to work for a bit. im going to go to to MSU bozeman in the fall...i just dont think i was ready to go off to college..
my breaks been pretty fun, except i got sick on thanksgiving and i think im still sick. isnt that a hoot?
and tomorrow im going to go to missoula with jeremy and james so they can get tattoos...apparently its going to take about 6-9 hours, holy cow. so, thanks again becca for lending me the book lol!