Things that are Good and Things that are Assuredly Not

Mar 06, 2008 23:06

One good thing is this ridiculous Presets song from iTunes called "Summer of Love." It sounds more than a little reminscent of "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen if only it were in a montage dance practice scene in an 80s vampire movie. For serious. Just go listen to the sample and tell me I'm wrong, I dare you.

Another good thing is that I had lots of matzo ball soup and latkes for dinner with friends and watched Lost and read a trashy magazine, drank cider, and ate some M&Ms. These are all nice things.

And I think I deserved it. I spent all day feeling sorry for myself and being on the edge of tears for no good reason, and I didn't accomplish much of anything until the very end when I sent a lot of emails begging people to participate in my thesis or even just to write me back and say, "No, I am very busy." I absolutely hate that my thesis is going to bottom out and die in mid-March because Reedies can't come in for 45 mintues, answer some questions, and eat cookies. I know we're busy; I'm pretty miserable right now, but I still manage to waste at least 45 minutes a day. Waste them in the lab with me! Please! The lack of participants is really making me feel terrible, no matter how soothing Kathy is.

And I think it's so bad because it comes on the heels of stressful times and the stupid Commons spinach debacle. Apparently the Reed Gardening Spinach Uprising Collective (ly Stupid) Group thought that covering my fliers with their fliers was good because of the "Free Food!" headline. Gardening is like free food, they thought, and the power of our combined fliers will result in better results for all, right? Um, probably not, no, since mine is covered. . Dumbass. It's all just incredibly frustrating being so much at the mercy of others right now. I really am interested in my thesis topic and its possibilities and I just can't do anything about it. I suppose most of the other psych seniors are in the same boat right now. My best to them.

I will get a haircut tomorrow and someone will rub on my head and make me look well-groomed, hopefully, and that will be a good thing. There will also be a dance party. The Lake RAW exhibit in GCC B or C is really pleasing to me for some reason and if you are on campus, you should go check it out. And I hear a tiny puppy lives in the silver trailer in the Quad.
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