For Union's homecoming concert this year Shane and Shane, Bebo Norman, and Alli Rogers came! I didn't really know who Alli Rogers was, but I knew I liked Shane and Shane and Bebo Norman so I decided to get tickets... well, getting tickets was an interesting feat. They were on sale outside of the cafeteria every day from 11-2. I tried to get them on Monday and got there around 1:40, and they had already quit selling them for the day. So I went back on Tuesday...this time around 12:30 thinking that should be early enough, but no one was there. Getting frustrated, I emailed the lady in charge of it back and forth a couple of times and she said not to worry, she would help me get tickets some way. I went back on Wednesday (the day before the concert) at like 1:30, and finally someone was there!! He asked me where I wanted to sit and showed me all the seats that were taken. I asked him what he would recommend, and then he remembered that they had just gotten some tickets back! So I got 2nd row!!! :) I guess it was good I had to wait so long! Anyway, so the concert was pretty fun! I really like Shane and Shane and the new stuff that they sang. Bebo Norman was good too. I usually don't like girl singers as well, but Alli Rogers was pretty good too.
And...after the concert we got to meet Shane and Shane!