Title: The One with the Sex Tape
mandy_croyance (with an crack-y epilogue by
Rating: PG-13, or possibly a mild R
Paring: Gerard/Pete/Patrick, Jon/Brendon (Gerard/Pete/Patrick/Joe implied)
Summary: Wal-Mart security guard Gerard Way is privy to a great many interesting things - especially a surveillance tape of a couple of rock stars abusing his store’s supply closet…
Disclaimer: Complete and utter nonsense.
Author’s Notes: So I'm kinda new around these parts, even though I've been a regular for a while over at satd. This crazy AU was written a long-ass time ago as a companion to
ezboard_1’s fic The One Where Jon and Brendon Go to Wal-Mart but I think this is probably a much better audience for it than wherever I've posted before and it can definitely stand alone. Enjoy.
Is that who I think it is?)