Fic: I Slept with the Sherrif of Area 9 and All I Got... 1/1(FOB/True Blood, R, Eric/Patrick)

Oct 25, 2009 16:02

Title: I Slept with the Sheriff of Area 9 and All I Got was This Stupid Fangtasia T-shirt
Status: Complete
Fandom: Fall Out Boy/True Blood
Word Count: roughly 1,300
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in or related to Fall Out Boy. They're real people for god's sake and this so very much not-real. I don't own True Blood either.
Pairing: Patrick Stump/Eric Northman
Rating: Hard R
Betas and helpers:
Authors Notes: I’ve never written FOB before so I hope its all right. Written as a response to this request on the anon_lovefest. It's just crack. I have no explanation beyond "Eric is just too pretty."
Warnings: Vampireness
Summary: Pete drags everyone to Fangtasia on their way through Louisiana back in the van days. Patrick has a better time than he expected. (pre-series True Blood)

Patrick's going to kill Pete for bringing him here. Kill him. With a spoon, as soon as he can find one.

crossposted to bandslashmania
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