Fic: Mind the Gap Between the Train and the Platform 1/1 (My Chemical Romance, NC-17, Gerard/Frank)

Oct 22, 2009 05:39

Title: Mind the Gap Between the Train and the Platform
Status: Complete
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Word Count: roughly 8,000
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in or related to My Chemical Romance. They're real people for god's sake and this so very much not-real.
Pairing: Gerard/Frank
Rating: NC-17
Betas and helpers: snarkyrainbows and allyndra for the beta and maryangel200 and ariadne83 for the crazy/support.
Authors Notes:Authors Notes:This is my first Frank/Gerard and the universe it takes place in is my reaction to yet another marriage injustice out in the real world. So, I decided to write fic about a love that succeeds. Also, descriptions of London transit come from my memories and - if I messed it up, call it creative license ;-)
Warnings:Graphic sex, AU

Summary: A couple weeks before the start of Projekt Revolution, the My Chemical Romance boys get a much needed day off. Frank and Gerard use the time to explore. // 1st of 2 stories in a close-to-canon!AU of 2007/Projekt Revolution but is complete and stands alone.

They’re standing outside on the side of the road watching cars go the wrong way and talking about where to go next. Bob wants to go to a pub, Ye Old Cheshire Cheese in particular, and although Gerard can think of worse things than sitting in a cool kitschy bar steeped in literary history (It’s a bar, did he mention that? They serve food, but it’s still a bar.), it’s not how Gerard wants to blow their only truly free day in London.

crossposted to bandslashmania
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