Title: Worth It
Status: Complete
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Word Count: roughly 2,000
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in or related to My Chemical Romance. They're real people for god's sake and this so very much not-real. Especially the Mieky being female and lesbian parts.
Pairing: girl!Mikey/Alicia
Rating: R
Betas and helpers:
1001cranes for the beta
ariadne83 for the crazy and
giddy_london for the post that pushed me to finally write this.
Authors Notes: I've never done femslash before so, lets hope this is okay. I blame my friends and this
picture - along with all the others where Mikey has Shane from the L Word hair.
Warnings: Lesbian sex. Style skirting the edge of not!fic
Summary:Fun fact about Michelle "Mikey" Way. She's a lesbian. A big one.
Stop me if you've heard this one. crossposted to
bandslashmania and